Media release from Accord member Horizons Regional Council with details on erosion works at Ashurst Domain.
February 5, 2018
Horizons Regional Council has awarded the contract to repair erosion at Ashhurst Domain and works are on schedule to get underway this month.
“We’re pleased to report that the project is tracking along exactly as planned,” says Horizons group manager river management Ramon Strong.
“The first part of this project has been underway since last year with the Linton quarry doing a great job of stockpiling rock near the site. This is a huge task as it is a big order and there are specific sizes of rock required.”
Mr Strong says the repair works will consist of rock groynes that will deflect river flows away from the bank to prevent further erosion.
“This construction will take approximately 12 weeks to complete. In addition to protecting the Domain, the works will also protect the SH3 bridge and the river walkway.”
Horizons is contributing 30 per cent of the project’s costs, up to $300,000. Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) and the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) are splitting the remaining costs up to $500,000 each.
PNCC general manager – city networks Ray Swadel says “this is an important project for us and we’re pleased the on-site work will soon commence”.
“We have been working closely with Horizons and NZTA and are satisfied with the work already done on the project. We know our community is looking forward to it being completed.”
NZTA’s regional transport systems manager Ross I’Anson says this investment will provide significant protection for the bridge and for SH3.
“This work will the improve the resilience of the transport network and ensure the structural integrity of the riverbank is restored before any damage to this key piece of infrastructure occurs.”
Mr Strong says once the works are completed the area will look quite different to what it used to be like.
“The bank will be contoured and riparian planting will be undertaken over winter. While the groynes are required to protect the Domain, it will no longer be a suitable place for swimming.
“We will work with PNCC to ensure there is appropriate signage in the area to indicate any potential hazards. There is also unlikely to be easy access to the river at the bridge anymore.”
Mr Strong says following a competitive tender process, the erosion repair contract has been awarded to Goodman Contractors.
“This is the same contracting firm that shifted the river away from the Domain’s bank in May 2017. Thanks to this work the area fared well over winter and will allow the groynes to be constructed on a gravel beach rather than in the water.
“We’re pleased to have a contractor such as Goodman’s on board as projects like this require specialised equipment and the firm has a track record for delivering on time and to budget.”